Lyme VOCAL demonstration in Quebec City on June 3, 2017

On Saturday, June 3, 2017, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., in provinces across Canada, rallies will be held to raise awareness of Lyme disease among the public and politicians. This pan-Canadian event is a movement of VOCAL: Voices of Canadians Concerning Lyme Disease.
In our province, we’re organizing this gathering on Parliament Hill in Quebec City! We’ve invited artists, performers, including Lyme-related health professionals, doctors and politicians! The goal of this event is to raise public awareness of this ever-growing silent epidemic, and to unite Canadians across the country who suffer from it, as well as their caregivers. Lyme disease in Canada is both under-funded and under-recognized. We have several movements underway in Canada that are trying to change that.
Follow the event’s Twitter page for the latest developments.