The “Lyme Disease Challenge” Quebec

Why a challenge?
Because those who suffer from Lyme disease and its co-infections are challenged in every aspect of their lives: socially, medically, psychologically, physically, financially, and within their families.
Our vision
The “Bite a Lime” Challenge, organized in association with the international movement called the “Lyme Disease Challenge,” is an effort to raise awareness about Lyme disease. While American estimates record an average of 300,000 new cases per year—most commonly in the Northeastern states (particularly Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire)—only 43 cases were reported in 2012 and 114 in 2013 in the adjacent region known as Eastern Canada.
However, since its inception in November 2013, the Quebec Lyme Disease Association has received more than 300 emails and calls from people who have been bitten by ticks and subsequently developed an often overwhelming list of vague, multi-systemic, and debilitating symptoms. Frequently faced with a medical deadlock, the young association—comprised mainly of patients—does its best by working voluntarily to support those affected by the disease, offering them tools, hope, and also creating opportunities and ways to break their isolation.
Although the main goal of this campaign is to raise awareness, we recognize that it also represents a unique opportunity to gather funds. The AQML is currently the only Quebec-based organization dedicated to supporting people with Lyme disease, and it is crucial that it continues its mission as a beacon of hope for those affected by the disease.
There are two simple ways you can help change the fate of the growing number of Quebecers affected by this terrible disease—make a donation and spread the word so that this challenge takes over social media. Does that sound too easy to be true?
Don’t underestimate your power! Every contribution, no matter how small, is worth its weight in gold!