

  • Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
    Lyme disease


  • Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation: The Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (CanLyme) was createdto promote a more complete and comprehensive understanding of Lyme Disease and related illnesses through research, education and advocacy to help reduce misdiagnosis and improve treatments for Lyme Disease.

Tick identification

  • Identification guide for ticks: The Identification guide for ticks found in Québec was developed for physicians, veterinarians and other health professionals to inform them about the main types of ticks found in Québec and to help them identify specimens brought to them by their patients.
    Identification guide for ticks found in Québec, INSPQ
  • Online tick monitoring program: This web platform allows citizens to submit photos of ticks collected on themselves, their pets or in the environment. Those who submit photos will receive the name of the species of tick collected, information on the medical relevance of the species, and instructions on what to do after a tick bite. However, this approach does not allow us to determine whether or not the tick is a carrier of the bacterium.
    Online tick monitoring program, eTick

Diagnostic resources

  • Laboratories outside QuébecIgeneX, IgeneX is a private laboratory based in California offering specialized tests for Lyme Disease and certain co-infections. The facility provides access to various screening methods (direct and indirect), as well a s testing fornumerousstrainsco-infections. Several other laboratories in the USA and Europe offer a similar service, but IgeneX remains the most widely used currently.
    Galaxy Advanced Microbial Diagnostics
    Vibrant Wellness

International references


United States

ILADS, International Lyme and Associate Diseases Society, lLADS is an international non-profit medical society dedicated to the proper diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and related diseases. It promotes understanding of Lyme Disease and related illnesses through research and education.. The association supports physicians, scientists, researchers and other healthcare professionals committed to raising the standard of care for Lyme Disease and related illnesses.
Lyme Disease Association (LDA), The Lyme Disease Association was founded in 1991 with the mission of increasing national funding and awareness of Lyme Disease and tick-borne illnesses.
Global Lyme Alliance (GLA), Global Lyme Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to the fight against Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. Its mission: to cure Lyme Disease and other tick-borne illnesses by innovative research, raising awareness and empowering the patient voice.
Lyme Disease Research Center, Johns Hopkins University , Research centre conducting groundbreaking research to improve understanding of Lyme Disease and its various manifestations. Their goal is to turn our pioneering research into better patient care, education and health outcomes.
Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Research Center, Columbia University, This research centre focuses specifically on improving diagnostic tests, treatments and patho-physiological understanding of the mechanisms of symptom persistence.
Project Lyme, The Lyme Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and helping Lyme patients. They have developed an innovative, interactive tool to support you throughout “Your Lyme Journey ».Here you’ll find resources such as articles, blogs, videos and webinars..



Association France Lyme, France Lyme is the main association, accredited by the French Ministry of Health and a member of France Assos Santé, with 2,000 members and local chapters.