Become a member

The AQML is an association dedicated to promoting recognition of Lyme disease.

With the help of our members, we strive to improve the quality of life of the hundreds of Quebecers suffering from the disease.

Currently, we have almost 650 members, and with the rapid emergence of Lyme disease and its co-infections, this number is growing fast.

Group protesting to support individuals affected by Lyme disease.

Join AQML!

A membership allows you to participate in the association’s decision-making process, to volunteer with us, to attend and vote at assemblies, and to join us in our projects and advocacy for Lyme disease in Québec.

Membership allows you to be part of the association’s decision-making process, to volunteer with us, to attend and vote at meetings, and to join us in our projects and demands concerning Lyme disease in Quebec.

Would you rather donate? Go to this page: Donate.

Welcome to the AQML family

“The more members the AQML has, the more weight it will have with medical authorities to assert the rights of its members and all Quebecers affected or concerned by Lyme disease.”