The Classique de golf Amélie Champagne; $384 000 for the Association québécoise de la maladie de Lyme

BROMONT – On June 29, 144 golfers gathered at Club de golf Château Bromont for the inaugural edition of the Classique Amélie Champagne. Afterwards, close to 150 people joined in the end-of-day cocktail party to celebrate the memory of Amélie Champagne. Thanks to partners, donors and golfers, a total of $384,195 was donated to the Association québécoise de la maladie de Lyme.
« It is with great emotion and gratitude to Alain Champagne, his loved ones and all donors, that the AQML will be able to invest more than ever in advancing the cause of people suffering from Lyme disease in Quebec. On behalf of all our members, who fight every day, I thank you most warmly. » – Carl Dubois, Chairman of the AQML Board of Directors.
« Although the pain of Amélie’s passing is still very much with us, our desire to perpetuate her desire to help others is expressed through the organization of the Classique Amélie Champagne in aid of the Association Québécoise de la Maladie de Lyme, and I’d like to extend my warmest thanks to our many corporate partners, participants, volunteers and members of the organizing committee. Your support has ensured the success of our first edition and will be essential to the success of future editions. » – Alain Champagne, father of Amélie Champagne, President and CEO of Groupe Maurice.
In memoriam
In memory of this young woman who lost her long battle with Lyme disease and its co-infections, this event, initiated by her loved ones, is inspired by Amélie’s desire to give back to others.
« After Amélie’s diagnosis, I had the idea of organizing a golf tournament to benefit the AQML. Golf was a passion I’d passed on to her, and it was a project I wanted to share with her. Even afflicted by illness, she was always willing to help others. Despite her untimely departure, I continued to take steps to set up this benefit event to honour her. A lot of hard work has gone into this project, but above all, even more love. » – Nicolas Payer, Amélie’s husband and founder of the Classique

The Association québécoise de la maladie de Lyme was officially founded in 2015 by Lyme disease sufferers. In addition to raising public awareness of the issues surrounding Lyme disease and its co-infections, the association aims to support sufferers and their loved ones. Finally, it collaborates with medical and government authorities to ensure that Quebecers receive adequate care for all stages and aspects of these diseases.
For further information: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/alain-champagne-02b03a12_le-29-juin-dernier-se-tenait-la-premi%C3%A8re-activity-7081038117167587328-M62J?utm_source=shareutm_medium=member_desktop